
Psst… The Denver Flea

We got a great Denver event coming up next weekend…The Denver Flea!

If you have yet to hear about this event then prepare yourself for two days of tasting, drinking and buying from some of Colorado’s finest vendors.

We are particularly  excited about all the fantasic apparel and jewelry that’s going to be available for purchase (not to mention we love supporting locally owned businesses- yay for Colorado!)

We can’t name all the vendors participating by name, simply because it would take up the whole blog post, so you will smply have to trust our ear on this one!

The event is located on the corner of 29th and Blake street a.k.a The Bindery on Blake  …

so don’t worry about December weather holding you back.



Psst…We got ear of another event called Holiday Mancraft.

Yes you read right as in Man- craft. In other words an event where all the vendors are men that create and sell arts, crafts and other items for sale that were handmade (Don’t worry women and children are invited as well) and if that isn’t interesting enough then you can always look forward to seeing all the vendors with unique facialo hair as well (they are competing for your votes on best facial hair!!!)

This event is taking place on Friday, December 5th between 4pm-10pm and is at 1350 South Broadway, Denver CO 80210.

“Have a merry lil’ flea”!